Attending ApacheCon Europe 2006

Posted by Jeroen Reijn on June 1, 2006 - 1 min. read

It looks like some fellow Hippo developers and myself will be attending the ApacheCon Europe 2006 in Dublin next month. This will be my first big Apache Conference with developers from different projects within the Apache Software Foundation. I’m really exited about it and while looking at the sessions, my interest is going out to the Ajax and Apache MyFaces sessions (next to the Cocoon sessions of course).

I noticed more Cocooners are joining me in Dublin and it looks like Cocoon is well represented at the ApacheCon with people like Gianugo Rabellino (SourceSense), Bertrand Delacrétaz (Codeconsult) , Carsten Ziegeler (S&N) and Doug Tidwell (IBM) doing session about Cocoon.

I also see that there are some sessions on other CMS’s. Maybe it’s an idea to do a session on Hippo CMS next year? Sounds like a great idea to me! ;-)