Jeroen Reijn

on Tech, Open Source and software development

MacBook Pro: Replacing the internal HDD

A while ago I thought it would be nice to give my MacBook Pro (MBP) a performance upgrade by putting in a Solid State Drive (SSD). I had pretty high expectations, since I was under the impression that Apple delivers computers with a really high quality factor. Unfortunately it turned out that the mid 2009 model range (which I have) appeared to be a range that has a lot of problems with third party drives.  To be more precise I’m currently running a MacBookPro5,4 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.53 GHz.

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Simple XML processing with Apache Cocoon 3

It’s been a while since I’ve last used Apache Cocoon. I can still remember the day that I was using Cocoon for doing all my web development projects. My first introduction with Cocoon was when I started at Hippo about 8 years ago. In comparison to other frameworks, I sometimes miss the simplicity of the Cocoon pipeline concept when I have to work with XML. Especially processing larger XML files is pain in most IDE’s.

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HIPPOs RESTful JAX-RS Component Support and Spring Android

The new Hippo CMS 7.5 release brings some quite interesting features. The most interesting new feature for me was support for RESTful components within the Hippo Site Toolkit (HST-2 v2.20.01). Being able to expose data in a RESTful manner opens up a whole new set of possibilities for external application developers.

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Working with Android Layouts and ListViews

I’ve been the owner of an Android phone for about 5 months now. The thought of creating an application for the Android platform has appealed to me ever since. That’s why I recently started with Android development as a learning project for the next couple of weeks. In this post I will start sharing my experience with developing Android applications.

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Tip of the day: sharing information between HST components

If you’re working as a web developer with Hippo CMS, I guess you have written quite a few HST components. I presume that by now you will have a basic understanding of what HST components can and can’t do. I’ve had the situation myself where I wanted to share some information between components on a single page. I first thought I could simply achieve this by adding an attribute to the request, but that didn’t work. To show you what you can do, let’s first start of with a bit of background information about what’s actually going on inside the HST, when an incoming request is being processed.

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