Jeroen Reijn

on Tech, Open Source and software development

Conferences coming up

The vacation period is almost over and the conference season is starting up again. First up is the Cocoon GetTogether 2007. Gianugo recently announced the Cocoon GT 2007 which will be held in Rome this year. The dates are now final, so mark the 3th,4th and 5th of October into your schedule. This year there will be two days of Hackathon and one sessions day. Jasha and I are thinking of doing a session at the GT this year. We’re not 100% sure what it’s going to be about, but perhaps a session on Cocoon 2.2 from a beginners perspective. It all depends on how much time we can spend on digging a bit deeper into 2.2.

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Hippo CMS on

Hippo CMS is getting a lot of attention in the Netherlands and around Europe these days, but of course our goal is to make it a world-wide well known product. The only way to achieve that is by promoting it a bit more then letting the product promote itself.

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Combining Cocoon and Solr

It’s been quiet here this month. I’ve been extremely busy (what else is new) with finishing up old and starting up new projects. One of the exciting new things is that I’ve been asked to help out with a new project that embraces the power of Cocoon (hurrah!).

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Looking back at the ApacheCon EU 2007

Last week I had to finish up some work just before being able to leave for the ApacheCon EU 2007. I wanted to go there on Wednesday, to see Stefano’s No-Nonsense Introduction to “semantic web” Technologies and some Lucene talks, but I got held up until late in the afternoon.

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It's official

It’s official now. Saturday morning I got an email from the ASF that said my account had been created.

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