Jeroen Reijn

on Tech, Open Source and software development

Debugging the Hippo CMS GUI framework

All user interface components within Hippo CMS 6 are handled by a javascript framework, which regulates the interaction between the different views and perspectives within the user interface. This framework will also handle the AJAX requests to the server for updating all perspectives and views.

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Configurable cocoon.createObject()

Today I was working on a new feature in the CMS. I had to do some flowscript coding in order to implement this feature. By default you can create an instance of a Java class in flowscript by using the following syntax: cocoon.createObject(;

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ApacheCon Europe 2006 part 2

I’m sitting outside now in sunny Amsterdam, after catching up some sleep, rethinking the ApacheCon Europe 2006 in Dublin. Arthur, Dennis and myself arrived on wednesday evening, so we had all thursday to attend sessions. Most of them were about AJAX, but there were some other interesting sessions that I really wanted to attend as well.

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Attending ApacheCon Europe 2006

It looks like some fellow Hippo developers and myself will be attending the ApacheCon Europe 2006 in Dublin next month. This will be my first big Apache Conference with developers from different projects within the Apache Software Foundation. I’m really exited about it and while looking at the sessions, my interest is going out to the Ajax and Apache MyFaces sessions (next to the Cocoon sessions of course).

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Performance boosting your Cocoon web application

As you might know, the user experience of a web application is very important. Fast request and response times are a must! You can do so much with Cocoon that sometimes you don’t even know the functionality is there. There is already a lot written about Cocoon performance on the website as well as on the wiki, but over the past couple of years I came across a couple of things that could speed up the performance of you Cocoon web application.

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